I work to design products that can teach me something new about the world. My process aims to energize through design; whether that is architecting a harmonized experience between user and product, applying my visual skills to make a feature more pleasant to use, or thinking strategically with partners to deliver on a higher level approach.
I have a background in engineering and cognitive science from the University of Waterloo. As a result, I have an affinity towards systems thinking and get nerdy for IA models and optimizations.
Outside of my Figma file, I am an active painter, badminton player, and home chef. My current home is in New York but my heart is in Toronto.
If any of this sounds like your vibe, send me a message and let’s chat! I’m actively looking for US visa-friendly opportunities in New York. See yaaaaaaaa!
Systems Design Engineering @ University of Waterloo
Systems Design Engineering aims to connect the dots and explore topics outside traditional engineering disciplines. Here I pursued “big-picture thinking” that involves multi-disiplinary topics surrounding people, software and business as factors involved in solving problems using modelling, analysis, and industry design methods.